Equity and Bias Review: XCredit Project
The XCredit Initiative aims to "signal to employers the skills attained informally on the job or in life" through skill assessments taken by learners looking to transition to the workforce without bearing the costs of American higher education. The Education Design Lab engaged Vishal Jain Consulting to provide Equity and Bias reviews of their skill assessments, to assure the assessments are accessible, inclusive, and affirming to the learners it serves.

DEI Strategy
Bailey Park NDC is a Detroit based non-profit that serves its urban community " through programs that encourage safe, sustainable, and equitable growth starting with the individual and radiating outward through the neighborhood, community, city and beyond". As Bailey Park NDC seeks to grow in its impact, its founder brought on Vishal Jain Consulting (VJC) to develop a DEI strategy that can be communicated to funders and key stakeholders. Utilizing strategic planning, collaborative creation, and peer benchmarking VJC is working to craft DEI language and communication that represents the transformative work of the community.

Youth Soft Skills Programming
R.I.S.E Opportunity Foundation is a private family foundation seeking to help reduce the barriers for youth of color to enter the finance industry through scholarships, programming, and academic enrichment. R.I.S.E. engaged Vishal Jain Consulting to create and deliver programming that teaches professional soft skills such networking, interviewing, written communication, and presentation skills.